Domain Names
Location of an entity on the Internet.
There are different levels of domains.
Examples of the various levels are as follows:
Top-level (TLD) - .com, .net, .org, .edu, .gov
2nd-level - business, shopping, search
(2nd-level may contain letters, numbers, and hyphens)
3rd-level - www1, www2, keyword (optional)
(NOTE - make sure your site resolves with or without www)
The selection of domain names is a major consideration when doing business online, and it is often one of the first issues to be addressed. While a good domain name won't guarantee success, it can have a positive (or negative) impact on almost every aspect of online business.
A "good" domain is one that is easy to remember and minimizes confusion. If you are acquiring a name that has the potential to cause confusion, it is generally recommended that you obtain the most logical variations. This could include non-hyphenated and hyphenated variations, along with words that are phonetically similar and common misspellings.
Find & register domain names:
Namecheap - no-nonsense registrar used here at
GoDaddy - another registrar that offers a wide variety of web services.
see also: Digital Marketing Tools
see also: Domain Name Discounts category at
Related Terms
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