Go beyond your internal list and expand your customer base.
MarketingTerms is one of the best channels to reach digital marketing conference attendees.
Audience Statistics & Details
The digital marketing conference calendar, with 400+ listings per year, has grown rapidly.
Audience Size & Growth Trend
- In 2017, the conference page totaled 200,000+ views.
- This represents an audience of many attendees, plus the people they influence.
- Top metro areas: New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Los Angeles, London, DC.
- After constant growth in 2015 and 2016, traffic has been more seasonal in 2017.
Huge traffic to start the year, slower during summer, then starting to rise again.
Ad Specifications & Rates
Discounts available for some multi-month buys.
Featured Sponsor
- Nobody can miss it. Own the above-the-fold area.
- 728×90 banner at the top-right part of the page.
- 600×300 banner on the top of the right sidebar.
- 16×16 icon next to your conference’s text listing.
- Price: $500 per month
Out of the hundreds of active listings at any given time, this is the only one guaranteed to get the attention of the vast majority of the audience of conference-goers and influencers.
Sponsor Your Month
- Each month’s section has its own primary sponsor.
- 728×90 banner + text/links above a month’s listings.
- 150×75 logo button in “thanks to sponsors” area.
- 16×16 icon next to your conference’s text listing.
- Price: $150 per month
These banners are closer to your listings, where people are deep in comparison mode. (The “average time on page” for the conference calendar is nearly 5 minutes.) Yet this package now includes the logo buttons towards the top of the page, which can draw a lot of clicks.
note – inventory for each month is sold together. So if it’s the beginning of January and someone wants to sponsor their month for a conference in late June, they would buy the 6 months from January to June. However, the more months involved, the more discounts are likely available.
Use the contact form below with any questions, or to reserve space.